Health and food retailer/grocer perspective with Nilani Sritharan
Here’s what to expect…
In this episode we have a brilliant in-depth conversation with Nilani Sritharan, Group Head of Healthy and Sustainable Diets at Sainsbury’s. Nilani tells us about her hugely varied role, which includes working on over 10,000 own brand products!
Nilani explains the importance of data and how personalisation can lead to opportunities to help customers navigate towards healthier choices. She also tells us how applied research such as in-store food environment trials can help us to understand the reality of customer behaviours in store and how the data can be used to identify hotspots for action to drive impact at a total diet level.
We hear Nilani’s insights on how to keep health at the top of an organisation’s agenda, even when there are other key drivers such as the cost of living crisis. She explains the importance of working with the third sector and with investors, who are all part of the same system and who can help drive the momentum for change – something that has been an area of real change over recent years.
Nilani kindly points us toward some reading in this episode. The links below will take you to more information from the organisations she mentions.
- Access to Nutrition Initiative
- Guy’s and St Thomas’s Charity and their impact for urban health
- ShareAction
Despite being in a very senior role, Nilani kindly shares her own feelings of imposter syndrome and some fascinating insights into difficult decisions she has made in her own career and how those have made her stronger and built her personal resilience. She explains the vital role networking, coaching and mentoring have played in her own career and the importance of these at all stages, even as we become more senior.
We offer Nilani the Nutrition Talent magic wand and ask her what change she would like to see in the future regarding healthy and sustainable diets and her answers are truly inspiring…listen in to find out what she has to say!
Happy listening!
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