S2 E9

Christmas Edition


Here’s what to expect…

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

In the final podcast of 2023 and as we count down to Christmas, Anna and Danielle host the first ever Humans of Nutrition podcast party! Joining in the chat are Dr Emma Williams (Food, Nutrition & Health Consultant), Dr Laura Wyness (Freelance Nutritionist) and Kate McCulla (Dietitian and Nutrition Talent Team Assistant) in a (mostly!) light-hearted and Christmas themed conversation on a broad range of topics:

  1. Our Christmas tipple of choice
  2. Biggest professional achievement of 2023
  3. What sparked most joy in 2023
  4. Reverse advent ‘calendaring’! What we want to close the door on going forward.
  5. Next career goal for 2024
  6. Favourite festive food tradition
  7. What “gift” we would like for the nutrition world in 2024

With a diverse range of guests, we get a diverse range of answers!  What would your responses be??  We’d love to know!

At risk of spoilers, we include links to some resources referenced:

Nutritionists in Industry: https://www.nii.org.uk/
EIT: https://www.eitfood.eu/news/eit-food-to-receive-500-000-citi-foundation-funding-to-improve-food-security-in-europe
Food Connections Podcast: https://audioboom.com/channels/5080003-food-connections
Eating Well for Menopause: https://www.laurawyness.com/

But it wasn’t all work! You might also get some inspiration for your Christmas drinks cabinet!

Happy listening! 

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