S3 E2

Navigating menopause with Dr Laura Wyness and Lynn Burns


Here’s what to expect…

Anna and Danielle chat to registered nutritionists, Dr Laura Wyness and Lynn Burns, about navigating perimenopause.

This has become a hot(!) topic recently, which is great in that it is bringing the conversation into the public domain, while also creating an explosion of supplements and products being targeted at women that may not be supported by evidence – ever heard of menowashing?

Laura and Lynn cut through the noise and published a book (Eating Well for Menopause – Advice and recipes to improve your health and wellbeing), and we are delighted to share their insights into this critical area of health.

The journey started when both Laura and Lynn noticed their clients were increasingly seeking advice about managing menopause and the realisation that there was a lack of readily available science or evidence in this area.  They reference a book Invisible Women – Exposing Data Bias In A World Designed For Men (Caroline Criado Perez), which spotlights the lack of data and research on women.  Shocking.

What most women refer to as menopause is actually perimenopause.  Menopause is a defined point in time – the absence of a menstrual cycle for 12 months.  The symptoms in the lead up to this point are multiple and varied (did you know there are currently over 40 recognised perimenopause symptoms?), and each woman will experience a different range of symptoms, and at different severity.  So each perimenopause journey is unique.  However, there are multiple health factors for all females to consider at this stage of life, even if you breeze through menopause without breaking a sweat (1 in 5 women have very few symptoms).

While the objective of this podcast and Laura and Lynn’s book is to inform and empower women and provide practical support and advise, we cannot overlook the significant health risk that accompanies this stage of life.

Did you know for example:

  • 77% of women aged 45 to 64 have raised cholesterol, predisposing to heart disease
  • Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer
  • Hormone fluctuations can impact blood pressure
  • Gut microbiome influences menopausal symptoms
  • A lot of the health problems are interlinked eg the gut microbiome impacts mood, sleep and heart health
  • Menopause can exacerbate urinary issues, which, if not managed, can contribute to reduced activity (a health risk in itself), increased social isolation and even future falls; all of which can impact independence later in life.

The good news is that awareness of these potential problems is precisely what can empower us to mitigate the health risk at this unavoidable life stage.  Diet offers a key vehicle for this, and we discuss this within the episode, and would direct you to Laura and Lynn’s book to access a full range of diet tips and recipes.

We also speak about how our predecessors coped through their perimenopause journey.  Were their remedies ‘old wives tales’ or credible options?

What about employer’s responsibilities to make reasonable workplace adjustments?

We are left with no doubt that more targeted research in women in the perimenopausal age range is needed, and tighter regulation of claims and marketing around products being targeted at peri-menopausal women.

Regardless of whether menopause is some way off, you’re inching towards it, or already in the thick of it, take time to evaluate your health behaviours, know your numbers (cholesterol and blood pressure) and put yourself and your health centre-stage.

If you have any aspirations to be a published author, Laura and Lynn are generous with their advice, and place high value on mentorship, giving particular credit to registered nutritionist Anita Bean

Laura encourages more Registered Nutritionists and Dietitians to write science backed books – could that be you?

We hope you enjoy the episode.  For further information and support:

Help us continue the conversation by sharing this with all the women (and men!) in your life.

Happy listening! 

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